学术报告:腾讯量子实验室首席科学家,孙启明博士,The Simhub platform for scientific computing on cloud

发布时间: 2019-11-01  浏览次数:

报告题目:The Simhub platform for scientific computing on cloud






孙启明博士毕业于北京大学化学系理论与计算化学专业,普林斯顿大学进行博士后训练后,后加入加州理工学院任研究员,现被腾讯量子实验室聘为首席科学家从事云计算,量子算法等问题的研究。主要工作包括量子化学程序包 PySCF 的开发,积分程序库 libcint 的开发,相对论量子化学算法,核磁共振量子化学算法,quantum embedding 方法,周期性体系 density fitting 积分方法,周期性体系 Coupled Cluster 方法,大体系 MCSCF 算法等量子化学理论算法的发展。

Cloud computing was found explosive growth in the past. Targeting to modularized IT service, various cloud services and products were developed by cloud provider.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing over HPC cluster for science? Will the technique of cloud computing influence the development of scientific simulations? How would the progress of cloud computing benefit the scientific applications? What is the barrier to apply scientific problems on cloud? What does a user need to know to harness the power of cloud?  We will discuss these questions in the talk, along with which we will demonstrate our first effort of all-in-one cloud solution Simhub platform for deploying scientific applications on cloud.

In the second part of the talk, I will give an overview of the research works in Tencent quantum lab. The goal of Tencent quantum lab is to develop the scientific applications based on NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) technology. Along this direction, we are working on the machine learning models and database for quantum chemical study and material discovery, the quantum computing algorithm for quantum physics and chemistry problems, quantum machine learning algorithms.



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