    The current position: Polymer Chemistry
Huang Li-Yan

Published Date: 2016-03-04

Huang Li-Yan

Huang Li-Yan 中文

Associate Professor and Supervisor for Master Candidates, Ph. D (Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences )

Postal address: College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China
Phone: +86-10-5880 6896; Fax: +86-10-5880 2075
E-mail: hly@bnu.edu.cn
Group homepage: http://lzpresearchgroup.chem.bnu.edu.cn/ 


Polymer Chemistry, Advanced Polymer Chemistry, Modern Analytical Techniques of Polymer Materials, Methods and Techniques of Modern Chemical Experiment, and Polymer Physics Experiment

Research Interests

Functional Polymers

Representative papers

  1. Li-Yan Huang, Wen-Bo Hou, Zheng-Ping Liu*, Qing-Yue Zhang. Polypyrrole -coated styrenebutyl acrylate copolymer composite particles with tunable conductivity. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(10), 971-975 ( 2005)
  2. Jian-Hong Yan, Li-Yan Huang*, Zheng-Ping Liu*, Jun-Gang Zhang, Wen-Bo Hou. Preparation and Electrical Property of P(St-BA-AN)/PANI Core/Shell Composite Particles. Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 30 (10), 2090-2095 (2009)
  3. Ying Wu, Liyan Huang, Zhengping Liu*, Zhenzhong Yang*. Facile preparation of curved polymer composite nanosheets, Polymer, 51(14), 3075-3082 (2010)

Copyright : College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University. Xinjiekouwaidajie 19, Beijing, 100875, China